Your home away from home.
Here at Camp Tigertail, we want you to know that it’s okay to be on vacation and to really be in the moment in the way that camp felt as a kid. We want to help you get those moments.
Dreamt up by Kiana Toossi, Camp Tigertail is your next weekend getaway. We’ll show you how to “rough it” at camp, how to disconnect, and ways to navigate by stars.
down to earth
Camp Tigertail isn’t afraid to play in the mud when it’s called for; our staff and campers are grounded and self-aware which helps to make them feel like close friends and confidants.
design conscious
We pay attention to the details so that our campers don’t have to; every aspect of your stay is the result of careful consideration of aesthetics, convenience, comfort, and accessibility.
Sometimes you just want to lose yourself in memories; we hope that while you’re at camp with us you feel some tugging at your heartstrings, moments of powerful connection to the past as well as the current moment. After all, the present you have here will be treasured memories forever.
Your camp experience should be yours; we will do our very best to bring your dreams to life however we can. If you think of something that could make your stay better, don’t hesitate to ask.